Exciting News! Dainty Dairy's website is now live and we are inching closer to being certified to sell our fresh daily A2/A2 Raw Milk. Sample Today! 🚀

Dainty Dairy Eggs

Dainty Dairy Eggs are nature’s perfect nourishment, laid by happy hens raised right here on our farm. By day, our chickens roam freely alongside our Jersey cows on open pasture, foraging naturally and enjoying the benefits of a diverse, nutrient-rich diet. At night, they rest safely in a secure coop, ensuring their health and well-being. The result? Eggs with vibrant yolks, rich flavor, and superior nutrition. Whether scrambled, poached, or baked into your favorite recipe, our farm-fresh eggs bring wholesome goodness to your table.

1 Dozen | Pasture-Raised Eggs

1 Dozen | Pasture-Raised Eggs | Locally Raised for Southern Utah

Taste the difference of truly pasture-raised eggs. With Dainty Dairy Eggs, you’re choosing quality, sustainability, and the best nature has to offer.